Friday, December 03, 2004

Happy Third of the Month!

What have you got to feel good about today? Me, I'm going to be getting on a plane to Pittsburgh this afternoon. Whoopee! I'm hoping it's going to be as exciting as Queer As Folk makes it out to be. Somehow, however, I'm guessing not so much.

But I'm not going to let that get me down! No sirree bob! Me, I'm looking on the bright side. It's the holiday season. We need to cheer up and spread joy and love. When you think about all the troubles in the world and you don't know what to do, just look around to see a child without a friend, and you'll know it's up to you to set a good example for the years that lie ahead. Remember, "suffer the little children" is what the Bible said! Save the children! Save the children!

Wow. That was a, um, wow. So anyway, today of all glorious days, we need a little Christmas. When the little baby Jesus comes, he wants to know that you love yourself, because in loving yourself, you can better love others. "And a little child shall lead them" is what the Bible said! Just as I shall lead you, every Third of the Month, toward the ultimate expression of your true wondrousness!

And moist towellettes.

Oh, and I finally remembered to wear plaid today.

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