Thursday, June 03, 2004

It's The Third Of The Month...

Do you know where your next paycheck is coming from? Fortunately I do and unfortunately that's the only thing going well this week. Currently I'm typing this on the ground, which is ergonomically evil; I hope I don't damage my wrists to much today since it's quite possible the worst day to do so. The reason I'm lying on the ground is because, while we are in our new lab space, there are only two network connections and the Unix box that is running one of them is acting wack-ass. The other one is in a room that does not yet have what one might call a table. And I'm starving because I've had nothing but fruit to eat all day since the boy somehow convinced me to go on some cracked crash-diet with him and his sister.

This sitch has hugs and puppies at the end of the tunnel, though. I have window now. And a new computer for analysis. And I got to label shit today. And what, if anything, is this day about but than to look on the bright side of things?

So, while I'm looking out my window with no shades as the sun strikes me blind, I will only thing of how good I am, how smart I am, and how wonderful my cabbage soup is going to be tonight.

It's a shame I forgot to wear plaid today.

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