Saturday, January 08, 2005

Kyrce Swenson Is A Big Fat Whore

WARNING: This post contains very, very, very bad words that should not be read by anyone. Please proceed at your own risk....

If you're name is Kyrce Swenson, and you used to be a filthy, unemployed loser who lived in East Harlem, I have news for you: you are the biggest, wettest cunt in the world. That's right. Kyrce Swenson is the biggest, filthiest cunt in the world. What kind of whorish, filthy cunt sits in her apartment, unemployed for two years while trash and cat filth and moldy, rotting food builds up around her? Kyrce Swenson, that's who! What kind of twat-licking douche breaks eggs in the refrigerator and then doesn't clean them up for six months while they sit and fester and grow new species of mold? If you said "Kyrce Swenson is that kind of douche!" then you'd win a gold star! Because that's the kind of twat-licking douche Kyrce Swenson is. What kind of ass-licking cunt-whore signs a sublease agreement, moves out of town because she hasn't been able to find the perfect socialist, pinko-commie leftist job to suit her nutbag fantasies, and then doesn't resign her lease, even though she had a legal, binding agreement to keep the apartment? That cunt-whore would be none other than Kyrce Swenson. I mean, come on people! How big of a fat, lazy cunt-bag do you have to be to NOT SIGN A PIECE OF PAPER? I guess you could be as fat and lazy a cunt-bag as Kyrce Swenson. Because that's just the kind of cunt-bag action that someone as lazy and whorish as Kyrce Swenson would do. Because in case you didn't know, Kyrce Swenson is a big, fat, lazy, cunt-licking, twat-sucking, worthless piece of horseshit. Just in case you didn't know.

Oh, and if you are Kyrce Swenson, and you are reading this right now, you can go fuck yourself.

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