Saturday, April 03, 2004

Happy Third of the Month!

I can never believe how fast the Third of the Month sneaks up on you. It seems like only last month it was the Third of the Month and we were all busy relishing in the beauty that is ourselves. And a lot's happened since then, most of it spendiferous. But the weather seems to have gotten a bit colder, so you probably want to try to stay warm when indulging in your wonderfulness. I indulged in my wonderfulness by bettering my personal space via fishtank cleaning. My fish seemed to have stopped croaking (he says while jinxing his pets to an early grave) and so I figured I'd treat them with another water-refreshening, a few more bubbles and a hearty extra helping of din-din.

But now I'd like to shift gears and share a little cheery, Third o' the Month story with you, something that happened to me this week. I was judging a middle school science fair and one of the darling little groups did a project on how unbelievabley filthy the streets of New York are. And as one of their sycophantic props, they were giving out moist towelettes! I was so excited to see that the youth of our nation are conscientious about sanitation and personal cleanliness. They'll be all set when they finally discover their inherent wonderfulness and can join us all in celebration.

Yet as I head off to a Third of the Month party, I entreat you all one more time to be good to yourselves, love your body and your mind and your spirit and never, ever forget that you can never go wrong with plaid.

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