Friday, March 12, 2004

Hypocrite Alert

Bill O'Reilly has been blasting the President about not getting involved in the "Culture War" and has repeatedly likened its importance to the War on Terror and the economy. It doesn't surprise me that some of his favorite books are by authors like Tom Clancy and Jack Higgins, nor does it surprise me that Michael Crichton's fairly racist "Rising Sun" is on his list of favorites.

But the man who gets his panties in a ruffle about Janet Jackson's breast seems to have no problem listing NYPD Blue as a favorite TV show. Perhaps he forgot all the prudish outrage over that show because they showed the occasional naked butt. And some of his favorite music? The Stones and the Doors. Weren't Jim Morrison's shenanigans and drug reference-addled songs just as counter-culture in the sixties as Ludacris and 50 Cent are today?

Of course, I really didn't expect Bill O'Reilly to analyze himself or his opinions to such depth.

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